The Law Of Process
“You have caused men to ride over our heads, we went through fire and through water, but you brought us out to rich fulfillment” (Psalm 66:12, NKJV).
A dictionary meaning of process is a series of actions, motions or operations leading to some result. Some synonyms of process are development, growth and course. In the opening scripture the psalmist was relating how they went through some adversities before they entered a place of abundance. Below are some truths to consider viz:
1) Process is a law of life and development: For anything to grow and become meaningful it must go through process. From a sperm fertilizing an egg in a woman’s womb resulting in an embryo being formed and developing to a baby, to a manufacturing process in a car plant of different components being put together to produce a car, the law of process is evident literally in every part of human existence. God likes process because it makes human beings to partake in creation and development with Him. A pastor once said that one reason for the failure of Adam (and Eve) was because they were created full blown adults, they didn’t emerge through process. The second Adam (the Lord Jesus Christ) underwent the law of process. Jesus was born to earthly parents and grew, learning obedience through the things He suffered. The first Adam failed because everything was prepared and made ready for him.
2)Process results in value: Jesus likened the Kingdom of God to a mustard seed which after being sown in the ground develops and becomes a large tree with branches which provides cover and shades for birds (Mark 4:30-32). The mustard seed on its own has little value and usefulness but once it grows to become a tree with branches and fruits it becomes valuable. The fact is that anything in its raw state isn’t too valuable. Countries in the world are majorly categorized into three groups: The developing (low income), the emerging and the developed (high income). The irony is that the developing low-income countries have abundant resources in their raw state. These resources are transported to the developed rich countries where they are processed and refined, and value is added to them. In like manner, the more we subject ourselves to training (process) in any endeavor the more valuable we become in that area.
3)Process is a cycle which must be completed: Until the earth orbits (or cycles) round the sun in 365 days, the Gregorian calendar of one year isn’t fulfilled. Anytime there is a disruption in the cycle of process something suffers. Someone told the story of how he punctured an egg that was delaying in hatching, and the chick in the egg came out limping. The chick eventually died because one of its legs wasn’t fully formed and couldn’t carry it for long. Because the process of growth was disrupted in the chick, it couldn’t survive. The Bible in James 1:2-4 in the Message Translation says, “You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and show its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you can become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.” We just witness comedian Chris Rock who was slapped on stage at the 2022 Oscar Awards comport himself so well that people initially thought it was a stage acting between him and the slapper (Will Smith). Chris Rock proved to the world after being publicly assaulted that his endurance is fully formed.
CONCLUSION: The law of process is a law of life. It is not so much about our attainments (or acquisitions) but it is more about what we become in the process of our pursuits. It is my prayer that we will daily add value to our lives and then to the larger society as a result. Have a blessed month.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Strategic Prayers
“Your kingdom come Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10)
A strategy simply defined is a plan of action. It is a carefully thought-out plan, series of maneuvers employed in order to achieve a result or goal. Strategy is a word commonly used in the military, finance, business, sports, etc. Strategic prayers simply mean how to engage God in order to birth God’s purposes on earth, in individual lives, communities, etc. Below are some examples of strategic prayers:
Purposeful Praying: We pray oftentimes because we want results and God’s intervention. But the end result of prayer is to glorify God. This is very basic, but a lot of people miss it. God is very purposeful, and one critical purpose of His is to expand His kingdom by getting many more people saved and coming to the saving knowledge of Christ. Someone who regularly witness and testifies to other people the workings of God in his/her life will likely get more answers in prayers than someone who doesn’t.
Praying in Tongues: Encryption in cybersecurity is simply the process of converting information or data into a code in order to prevent unauthorized access. The information is only readable (or decodable) to authorized personnel who has the password or decryption keys. The Bible says whoever speaks in tongues is speaking mysteries to God, and no one understands him but God (1 Corinthians 14:2). Praying in tongues regularly by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit by passes Satan and his cohorts. It is a divine strategy that delivers great results.
Prayer of Authority: “And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.” (Matthew 16:19, NLT). The church, “ekklesia” are the called-out believers that God has entrusted with the role of birthing His Kingdom here on earth. The colonial masters of old, like the Great Britain, infiltrated their colonies with their culture, thought patterns, conduct, etc. The Great Britain had agents in the colonies who enforced the will of the Queen. For God’s plan, purposes and will to be enforced on earth, His authorized agents (the Ekklesia) are to employ this prayer strategy praying with Christ’s delegated authority.
Organized Prayer: In Matthew 6 Jesus taught His disciples the model prayer. Because we fight a foe who is organized in his operation (Ephesians 6:12) we are enjoined to approach prayer in a certain way. We are to put on the armor of salvation, truth, righteousness, the Word of God, faith, the gospel and praying in the Spirit. We are also to be specific in our requests and to make sure requests are in line with God’s will. Having a prayer journal and being conversant with the different kinds of prayers are also part of being organized and strategic in prayers. Unfortunately, nowadays, many believers are very scattered and disorganized in prayers which is why some prayers go unanswered.
Prayer of Enquiry: The Bible tells us the Holy Spirit will reveal God’s deep secrets to believers (1 Corinthians 2:10). The Holy Spirit is a Divine Strategist who knows all things and can guide us into all truths. It is God’s will that we cultivate a dynamic relationship with the Holy Spirit by engaging Him regularly via the prayer of enquiry. The prayer of enquiry requires obedience and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. Once a thing is revealed by the Holy Spirit, faith is automatically birthed in our spirit. The Holy Spirit knows the turns and twists of the journey, and He makes our lives a wonder as we are led by Him.
CONCLUSION: May God’s kingdom be fully established in our lives, families, communities, cities and countries in Jesus’ name. Receive the grace to pray strategically from henceforth in Jesus’ name.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Leveraging For Success
“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another” (Proverbs 27:17, NIV)
Success simply put is the achievements of goals. Leverage is the extension of the word lever. The lever is the lift in a jack. When a car is to be lifted, the jack is applied to lift the car off the ground. The small lever is used to lift a big car. Leveraging for success is simply using resources available to give one’s life a lift and achieving one’s life goals. Below are some ways to leverage for success:
Other People’s Successes: Every great and successful person has a secret code(s). There’s always a story behind the glory. The Queen of Sheba traveled from Ethiopia to Jerusalem to stay in King Solomon’s presence for six months just to glean insight and learn from him. She never remained the same afterwards. Delilah kept on pestering Samson to know the secret of his strength. A careful observation and study of a successful person will reveal clues that one can leverage on to create one’s own successes and achievements.
Other People’s Failures: Failure is a great teacher, and a great leverage for success. It’s good to learn from one’s mistakes but always better to learn from other people’s mistakes! King David was the greatest king in Israel because he learned leadership failure from King Saul. One thing he surely learned from Saul was not to hold onto the throne at all costs. King David was quick to abdicate the throne when Absalom his son rose against him. King Saul, just by realizing David was becoming more popular than him in Israel sought to kill him. For David to succeed it was simply not to repeat the mistakes of his predecessor and tormentor mentor.
Other People’s Credibility: Onesimus was the runaway slave of Philemon. He stole from Philemon and ran to Rome. He encountered Apostle Paul in Rome and he (Onesimus) gave his life to Christ. Philemon was Paul’s friend, and Paul requested that Philemon take Onesimus back not as a slave but a fellow brother in Christ. Paul also offered to pay the money stolen back and went ahead to call Onesimus his son. The credibility of Paul was the saving grace of Onesimus. Applicants looking for jobs are always asked to provide referees that will validate them. The better your reference the better the chances of you getting the job. Who you ride with either makes you or mars you. Scripture reference: Philemon 1.
Other People’s Money/Resources: Good debt is a leverage to accomplishing one’s financial goals. In advanced countries housing loans and mortgages are given for people to buy homes that appreciate over time. As the mortgages are paid down, and the houses’ equity is built. A good source of many Americans’ wealth is from home equity. A report from the US Census Bureau reveals that homeowner’s median wealth were 89 times higher than renters. Because of the equity gained over time in their primary homes, many Americans are quite wealthy today. Good debt is a great lifter of one’s finances. Elisha told the widow of the son of the prophet to go borrow plenty vessels in order to become a successful oil merchant.
Other People’s Anointing/Grace: The Anointing of God is the burden removing, yoke destroying power of God (Isaiah 10:27). The anointing on a man of God can be leveraged for success. Elijah was the vessel God used to lift the widow of Zarephath out of hunger and starvation (1 Kings 17). Elisha was instrumental for the prosperity of the widow of the son of the prophet (2 Kings 4). Paul said he carried special grace to minister to the Gentiles (Ephesians 3:8). In our modern day, there are several vessels that God has endowed with His anointing to lift people and alleviate their burdens. The Bible says believe in God you will be established, believe His prophets and you will prosper (2 Chronicles 20:20).
CONCLUSION: Other ways to leverage for success is using other people’s knowledge, insight, connections, etc. May the Lord send lifters of destinies to you, and may you also become a lifter of destinies in Jesus’ name.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Sowing Into Abundance
“Remember this – a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop. But the one who plants generously will get a generous crop. And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need, and plenty left over to share with others” (2 Corinthians 9:6,8 NLT).
The word God gave us in our local church this new year 2022 is ABUNDANCE. And for us to experience the abundance (or harvest) God is bringing, it is imperative to revisit seed sowing. God has woven in creation the law of seedtime and harvest (Genesis 8:22). Proper sowing will always bring in a harvest. Below are some points to note:
Sow intentionally: The harvest is in the seed, but for the harvest to be realized the seed must be planted. Every farmer is intentional about the seeds they plant. If they want to harvest apples, they plant apple seeds. The seed creates the future. God wanted many children, and He sowed Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son to reap a harvest of children. We sow what we want to reap. We sow what we desire but lack at the present time. Every seed reproduces after its kind. What do you desire in 2022 that you presently lack? Be intentional and sow the requisite seeds for the harvest you intend.
Sow strategically: No farmer scatters seeds on the ground haphazardly. There’s always a plan or course of action when farmers sow. A course of action they take is to plant seeds in rows. They do this to weed and plough in between of the rows for the purpose of aeration and to conserve moisture which helps the seeds planted to grow. Farmers engage different courses of action in order to get a bumper harvest. The Holy Spirit is a Master Strategist. In order to get breakthroughs and bumper harvests this year, He will instruct us to sow seeds that will culminate into great results. I pray we are graced to obey promptly and fully in Jesus’ name.
Sow bountifully: Our text says the one who plants generously will reap generously. The story of the woman with the costly perfume who poured same on Jesus is told in the gospels. The cologne is said to be worth a whole year of a laborers wage! Jesus said of her, “I tell you the truth, wherever the Good News is preached throughout the world, this woman’s deed will be remembered and discussed” (Mark 14:9, NLT). This woman through her generous gift (and honor bestowed) on Jesus earned for herself an enviable and commendable destiny.
Sow with expectations and patience: Every farmer plant seeds with expectation. They match their expectation with patience. The Bible tells us to consider farmers who patiently wait for the rains to fall on their farmlands and wait for the first sign of their harvest (James 5:7). Also, the type of seed farmers plant determines how much waiting and patience they must exercise. A farmer who plants corn seeds will wait a few months for harvest, whereas the farmer who plants cocoa seeds will have to wait for years before the harvest. The common denominator amongst the farmers is that they are willing to wait for the harvest. The Bible says though the vision (harvest) tarries, wait for it for it shall surely come and will not tarry. Receive grace for expectation and patience.
Sow continuously: “In the morning sow your seed, and in the evening do not withhold your hand; for you do not know which will prosper, either this or that, or whether both alike will be good.” (Ecclesiastes 11:6, NKJV). Solomon, in this verse is recommending for us to become serial sowers. The result of continuous sowing is back-to-back blessings. The Prophet Amos captures this succinctly in Amos chapter 9, verse 13, “the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him who sows seed”.
CONCLUSION: Some of the necessary seeds to plant this year are thanksgiving, the word of God, service to God and mankind, holy living, love and forgiveness, mercy, prayers and intercession, obedience, money, etc. Receive grace in this year of abundance to do the expedient and the needful. A blessed 2022 to you in Jesus’ name.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Fight Your Fears
“Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You” (Psalms 56:3).
There are real and imagined fears. David confronting Goliath in the Valley of Elah is an example of real fear. However, many of the fears that confront us are imagined fears. These are fears our minds conjure due to things we hear, see or our past experiences. Imagined fears are False Evidence Appearing Real (acronym for FEAR). Below are some reasons why we must fight our fears:
Fear is a spirit: The Bible talks about the spirit of fear in 2 Timothy 1:7. Our natural fear, if not checked, can open the door to demonic spirits that peddle and spread fear to mankind. The Bible tells us in 1 John, Chapter 4, verse 18 that fear has torments. The tormentor that accompanies unchecked fears are demonic spirits. Terrorists (indwelt by demonic spirits) propagate fear all over the world; they rule and govern by terror and mental assault.
Fear is a stopper: The Israelites on getting to the border of the Promised Land refused to enter. Ten out of the twelve spies sent by Moses came back with a damning report of the land, and the whole nation refused to proceed and take the land promised to them by God. It was the fear of the giants they saw in the land that stopped them from going forward. Many have been stopped (and being stopped) from actualizing destinies and fulfilling God’s plans because of fear.
Fear is a killer: Apart from the fact that fear can kill dreams, potentials, self-esteem, etc. The popular adage says that cowards die many times before their death, the valiant never taste of death but once. Though the statement may sound like a metaphor, fear can kill. The Bible says in Luke 21:26 that because of the events of the end times, men’s heart will fail them from fear. We also know that because of mind-body connection, the body releases toxins and dangerous chemicals whenever the mind is full of fear, anxiety and worry. Many diseases are psychosomatic.
Fear can lead to perpetual bondage and captivity: When Abraham Lincoln declared the Emancipation Proclamation in the confederate states, many slaves remained in the captivity of their masters because of the fear of the unknown. They didn’t seize the opportunity of their freedom. The Israelites would have been kept in captivity for a long time when Goliath challenged them. His challenge was that if they had no one to fight and overcome him (Goliath), the Israelites will be slave to the Philistines for real (Ref: 1 Samuel 17:8-11).
Fear is a sin: It shows lack of confidence in God. As Christians we should not live our lives as though God isn’t on the throne. Faith pleases God and fear displeases Him. The fearful and unbelieving are amongst the categories of sinners in Revelation chapter 21, verse 8 that will be cast into the lake of fire. Fear makes us focus on what the devil is doing and shuts our eyes and memories to what God has done, what He is doing and what He is yet to do.
CONCLUSION: To fight our fears we must allow the love of God to penetrate deep into our souls (1 John 4:17-18). We must regularly believe and confess God’s word and promises. We are to live right and to take authority over demonic spirits. We are to torment fear like David tormented Goliath (a symbol of fear) and not the other way round. Scripture reference: 2 Timothy 1:7.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Created In God’s Image
“Then God said, let us make man in Our image according to Our likeness, let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them” (Genesis 1:26-27, NKJV).
Human beings are flesh and blood, but God is a Spirit (John 4:24). God doesn’t have a physical body like we humans, but He has a form. He has eyes (2 Chronicles 16:9), has feet (Isaiah 66:1), has hands (Deuteronomy 26:7-8), has a back part (Exodus 33:23), has ears (Isaiah 59:1-2), etc. After God formed man out of the dust of the earth, He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life thereby transferring a part of Himself into man. Human beings are the zenith of God’s creation, created in His image and likeness. Below are some vital truths of how we share in the divine order:
1) Ability to relate: Animals associate while humans relate. Mere associating is a superficial way of relating; a relating that is limited to the mind. God is a Spirit and to worship Him must be in Spirit and in truth. God is looking for relationships that transcend just body and mind hence He created man in His image to be able to relate with Him spiritually. It is only those whose spirits have been recreated in Christ that can truly worship God. God is a relational God, always coming daily to meet Adam (the first man) in the cool of the day for fellowship. He made a helper for Adam because He affirmed that “it is not good for man to be alone.”
2) Ability to create: It is true that God didn’t finish the work of creation in the six days of creation. God created the raw materials of the earth and left the finished products to man. He created the vegetation, the trees and left creation of furniture, buildings, etc to man to complete. In essence, man is co-creator with God. The ability to create resides in him. There is something every man and woman is wired to produce and contribute to creation. I pray you discover and deploy yours in Jesus’ name.
3) Ability to lead: After God created the earth, He gave man dominion over the works of His hands. He leased the earth to mankind to oversee and superintend and He gave him the capability to function as the ruler of the earth. “The heaven, even the heavens are the Lord’s but the earth He has given to the children of men” (Psalm 115:16). We are to rule over the earth and its elements in cooperation with God. Unfortunately, after the fall of man, he lost part of this rulership power which was restored back after Christ resurrected from the grave.
4) Ability to imagine: God gave a renewed, enlightened and supersonic mind to Adam (the first man) at creation. Adam named all the animals at creation. He had such a robust and fertile imagination. Whatever name Adam deemed fit to call animals, so was it. This fertile and robust imagination was contaminated when Adam disobeyed, and contaminated mankind with the virus of sin. It is true whatever you can conceive and believe and act upon will become a reality with time in your life (Mark 9:23).
5) Ability to choose: Man is the only creation in God’s order that has a free choice. When God touches the lion, he bows and roars. When He touches the sheep, they bow and bleat and the list goes on. Man is the only created being that has the right of free choices and can therefore say Yes or No to his maker. God does not force man to do anything because He created him in His image and likeness. It is man’s prerogative to determine his destiny. He is free to choose light or darkness, righteousness or sin, heaven or hell, a life of relevance or pleasure, etc.
God created us simply to reflect His glory. He created us to extend the atmosphere of Heaven to earth. He made us in His image so that we can love Him and worship Him wholeheartedly. He created us so that we will partake with Him the fulfillment and joy of creation. How are you reflecting your Maker to your world? Jesus is the express image of the glory of God (Colossians 1:15-18). Accepting Him as Lord and Savior is critical to manifesting the glory of God.
Have a blessed new month in Jesus’ name.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Hosting The Holy Spirit
“If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit” (Galatians 5:25)
The Holy Spirit is God on earth, and the era we are in is the era of the Holy Spirit. He is the most important personality on earth, and He is present to complete the work of God before the rapture of the church. It is one thing to be baptized with the Holy Spirit, it is another thing to be constantly filled with the Spirit. Constant in-filling of the Spirit will lead to an overflow on the carrier; mighty works of miracles, signs, and wonders would be wrought through him/her. Maintaining a good measure of the Holy Spirit makes the believer a great witness of the gospel and Jesus Christ. Below are some ways on how to HOST the Spirit, viz:
Holiness: The characteristic feature of the Holy Spirit is holiness. That is the name He bears. To be in constant tune with Him calls for holiness in thought and in deed from the believer. To have the Holy Spirit express Himself in and through us regularly calls for ardent holiness from us. We are instructed to shun and jettison our old way of thinking and behaving and take on a new way of living which is powered by the Holy Spirit. Holiness is agreeing with the conduct of the Kingdom of God, imbibing the new conduct and acting out the behaviors of the Kingdom as listed in Galatians 5, verse 22 to 23. Two can only work together if they agree.
Overflowing Grace: To carry the presence of the Holy Spirit in a good measure is a work of grace (Zechariah 4:6). Grace is the working of the Holy Spirit in the believer changing his or her attitudes, affections and enabling the believer to please God (Philippians 2:13). For grace to flow in the believer like a river, joyfulness and thankfulness are critical and must be present. Grace in Latin language is the word “Gratia” which means thankfulness, gratitude, and favor. In Spanish, grace is gracias, and gracias is thank you. Grace and gratitude are like Siamese twins which cannot be separated. The Holy Spirit thrives where there is joy and thanksgiving. A believer who is full of thanksgiving and joy will be attractive to the Holy Spirit.
Sanctified Environment: Environment matters a lot. Some environment fosters the move of the Spirit, while others stifle it. In a worship environment where God is being exalted, the Holy Spirit finds such place very conducive to express Himself. In the Old Testament, the Israelites were instructed to keep the camp physically clean, they were given designated areas outside the camp to relieve themselves. They carried shovels to dig holes in the designated areas, and after relieving themselves they covered up the feces (Deuteronomy 23:12-14). Physical cleanliness matters to God. Cleanliness is next to godliness. As a new believer I was being oppressed in my sleep till the Holy Spirit pointed out to me some worldly reggae music in my possession as the point of contact for the demonic operations.
Trainability: Holiness is simply godly training and exercise in godliness and godly living. When we gave our lives to Christ, we were signed up automatically into the gym of the Holy Spirit. Many people have membership of physical gyms and never visit the place. Some go occasionally, and others go regularly. And others have trainers who assist them in the training. As believers we are required to allow the Holy Spirit to train us to godliness. The Bible says in 1 Timothy 4:8 Message translation, “Exercise daily in God – no spiritual flabbiness, please! Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both for today and forever.”
CONCLUSION: It is a privilege for Christians to have the Holy Spirit resident in us. With every privilege, there are responsibilities. The points listed above are some of the responsibilities we are to bear to allow the Spirit expression in our lives. Our world is waiting for us to manifest the glory of God.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
The Sin Of Doubt
“But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord. He is a double minded man, unstable in all his ways” (James 1:6-8, NKJV).
Doubt as defined by the dictionary is a feeling of uncertainty and lack of conviction. For the Christian, doubt is a lack of confidence in the word of God. We all doubt at different times, particularly in times of serious challenges. God expects us to overcome our doubts and not remain in the valley of despair. Below are some truths about doubt:
Doubt is subtle: A lot of Christians do not consider doubt as sin. And very few people confess their doubts as sin before God, and therein lies the subtlety of doubt. It is a little fox that spoil the vine (Songs of Solomon 2:15). Doubt looks harmless but it is not. In the encounter of Satan with Eve in Genesis 3, Satan made Eve doubt the word of God. He told her, “Has God indeed said, you shall not eat of every tree in the garden.” He further told Eve, “You will not surely die.” Satan punched holes in the word of God leaving Eve with the impression that God didn’t really mean what He said. The enemy makes us to doubt the seriousness of the word of God.
Doubt is hesitation: Some synonyms of hesitate are vacillate, waver, indecision and reluctance. Doubting in a challenging situation could be devastating. If David had hesitated in the valley of Elah when he confronted Goliath, the result would have been defeat for the Israelites. The Bible says, “as Goliath moved closer to attack, David quickly ran to meet him” (1 Samuel 17:48, NLT). The King James Version of the Bible says David hasted towards Goliath. There were no doubts whatsoever in the mind of David when he confronted the Goliath challenge. Had he doubted, the result would have been different.
Doubt is costly: Doubt robs people of blessings. The Israelites at the brink of the Promised Land doubted and refused to enter the Land God gave them. A whole generation, except Joshua and Caleb, died as a result. Self-doubt produces inferiority complex; the Israelites said they were like grasshoppers compared to their opposition. Doubt in the future produces worry and anxiety. Doubt in other people produces suspicion. Doubt in everything produces pessimism and cynicism. Doubt in God produces unbelief. Doubt can rob one of a glorious destiny.
Doubt is double mindedness: The doubter in our opening text is likened to a raging sea which is troubled, unstable and restless. The doubter is unsettled, unstable and anxious. Whenever we are anxious and restless about a matter it shows and depicts doubt. On the other hand, confidence in God produces assurance, calmness and stability. The doubter vacillates; today is up and tomorrow he is down. One day he/she is believing, the next day he/she is disbelieving. The Bible says this fellow who doubts will not receive from the Lord.
Doubt is half hearted devotion: Not fully following the Lord nor cooperating with Him in our lives will automatically produce doubt. Elijah said to the Israelites in 1 Kings 18, verse 21 in a time of famine, “how much longer will you waver, hobbling between two opinions?’ The people were serving Baal and trying to serve God at the same time. By so doing, they brought famine on themselves. Many are not wholehearted in their devotion to God. Many have seemingly viable options to God. This will result in doubt.
CONCLUSION: Jesus said anything is possible if a person believes (Mark 9:23). Being clear about the will of God, wholeheartedly following God, adjusting our lives to Him, and being determined will douse the voice of doubt all the time. May God forgive us all for the sin of doubt in Jesus’ name.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
The Laws Of Productivity
“… Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion was in labor, she gave birth to her children.” (Isaiah 66:8b)
Productivity has to do with the ability to create and bringing forth. God wired in human beings the desire to be productive and deliver results and achievements. The first blessing God pronounced on Man after creating him was that of fruitfulness, multiplication, replenishment and bringing everything under his subjection (Genesis 1:26-28). Below are some laws that govern productivity:
The Law of Conception: This is the beginning of the process of productivity. To conceive is to be pregnant with something, it is not limited to biology alone (or being pregnant with a baby). One can be pregnant with the promises of God, a dream or vision, a project, a desire for a better country, and the list go on. People can also be pregnant with negative and evil things (Matthew 12:35). Conception takes place in the womb. There is a spiritual womb as well as a physical one. Every human being is carrying something whether positive or negative within them. For conception to take place there must be intimacy. The Angel Gabriel told Mary, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you” (Luke 1:35). Intimacy with the Holy Spirit results in all manners of conceptions that results in fruitfulness and productivity in our lives. The reverse is also true, if one lies down with dogs you will get up with fleas. The big question today is, what are you conceiving within? and what are you pregnant with?
The Law of Incubation: To incubate means to develop gradually under favorable conditions. The mother hen after laying her eggs will sit on them providing heat and pressure until the egg hatches. Incubation is that period between conception and delivery. It is a process that allows what is being carried in the womb to become mature and good for delivery. Many do not pay attention to incubation. It is a time of feeding, strengthening and developing what is being carried in the womb. It is also the gestation period. One dissimilarity between physical and spiritual conceptions is that the spiritual gestation period is not fixed like the physical. Gestation period for human beings is 9 months, for rats it is 21 days, for elephants it is about 22 months. The Israelites on their way to the Promised land from Egypt were in the wilderness for 40 years for a 11-day journey. It took them that long to be processed and fit for the Promised Land. They refused to cooperate with God and a whole generation died in the wilderness. With God we do not just receive what we pray for, we receive what we are ready and prepared for.
The Law of Delivery: Not every woman who conceives a baby carry the baby to full term or to delivery. Many miscarry along the way. As it is in the physical, so it is in the spiritual. Dreams, visions, a glorious destiny, prosperity, etc. can be aborted. Innovations and inventions that will benefit mankind can also be aborted. And no one celebrates conception or incubation. People celebrate performance and delivery. Travail is a sin qua non to birthing new things. The Bible says as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children. (Isaiah 66:8b). Travailing or labor pain is productive pain. Prayer (bringing forth things from the spiritual realm to the material realm) is travail. Hard work is travail. Preparation is travail. Not everyone who travails prevails, but we have an assurance from the Word of God in Isaiah 66, verse 9, “Would I ever bring this nation to the point of birth and then not deliver it? Asks the Lord. No! I would never keep this nation from being born.” The God that allowed the birth of modern Israel in 1948 after hundred of years of no independent state can ensure our safe delivery.
CONCLUSION: May all the good things you carry within be perfected and brought forth in this seventh month in Jesus’ name.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN