Fight Your Fears

“Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You” (Psalms 56:3).

There are real and imagined fears. David confronting Goliath in the Valley of Elah is an example of real fear. However, many of the fears that confront us are imagined fears. These are fears our minds conjure due to things we hear, see or our past experiences. Imagined fears are False Evidence Appearing Real (acronym for FEAR). Below are some reasons why we must fight our fears:

Fear is a spirit: The Bible talks about the spirit of fear in 2 Timothy 1:7. Our natural fear, if not checked, can open the door to demonic spirits that peddle and spread fear to mankind. The Bible tells us in 1 John, Chapter 4, verse 18 that fear has torments. The tormentor that accompanies unchecked fears are demonic spirits.  Terrorists (indwelt by demonic spirits) propagate fear all over the world; they rule and govern by terror and mental assault.

Fear is a stopper: The Israelites on getting to the border of the Promised Land refused to enter. Ten out of the twelve spies sent by Moses came back with a damning report of the land, and the whole nation refused to proceed and take the land promised to them by God. It was the fear of the giants they saw in the land that stopped them from going forward. Many have been stopped (and being stopped) from actualizing destinies and fulfilling God’s plans because of fear.

Fear is a killer: Apart from the fact that fear can kill dreams, potentials, self-esteem, etc. The popular adage says that cowards die many times before their death, the valiant never taste of death but once. Though the statement may sound like a metaphor, fear can kill. The Bible says in Luke 21:26 that because of the events of the end times, men’s heart will fail them from fear. We also know that because of mind-body connection, the body releases toxins and dangerous chemicals whenever the mind is full of fear, anxiety and worry. Many diseases are psychosomatic.

Fear can lead to perpetual bondage and captivity: When Abraham Lincoln declared the Emancipation Proclamation in the confederate states, many slaves remained in the captivity of their masters because of the fear of the unknown. They didn’t seize the opportunity of their freedom. The Israelites would have been kept in captivity for a long time when Goliath challenged them. His challenge was that if they had no one to fight and overcome him (Goliath), the Israelites will be slave to the Philistines for real (Ref: 1 Samuel 17:8-11).

Fear is a sin: It shows lack of confidence in God. As Christians we should not live our lives as though God isn’t on the throne. Faith pleases God and fear displeases Him. The fearful and unbelieving are amongst the categories of sinners in Revelation chapter 21, verse 8 that will be cast into the lake of fire. Fear makes us focus on what the devil is doing and shuts our eyes and memories to what God has done, what He is doing and what He is yet to do.

CONCLUSION: To fight our fears we must allow the love of God to penetrate deep into our souls (1 John 4:17-18). We must regularly believe and confess God’s word and promises. We are to live right and to take authority over demonic spirits. We are to torment fear like David tormented Goliath (a symbol of fear) and not the other way round.  Scripture reference: 2 Timothy 1:7.

Ade(Gboyega) ESAN

Pastor Esan’s Blog

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