Strategic Prayers
“Your kingdom come Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10)
A strategy simply defined is a plan of action. It is a carefully thought-out plan, series of maneuvers employed in order to achieve a result or goal. Strategy is a word commonly used in the military, finance, business, sports, etc. Strategic prayers simply mean how to engage God in order to birth God’s purposes on earth, in individual lives, communities, etc. Below are some examples of strategic prayers:
Purposeful Praying: We pray oftentimes because we want results and God’s intervention. But the end result of prayer is to glorify God. This is very basic, but a lot of people miss it. God is very purposeful, and one critical purpose of His is to expand His kingdom by getting many more people saved and coming to the saving knowledge of Christ. Someone who regularly witness and testifies to other people the workings of God in his/her life will likely get more answers in prayers than someone who doesn’t.
Praying in Tongues: Encryption in cybersecurity is simply the process of converting information or data into a code in order to prevent unauthorized access. The information is only readable (or decodable) to authorized personnel who has the password or decryption keys. The Bible says whoever speaks in tongues is speaking mysteries to God, and no one understands him but God (1 Corinthians 14:2). Praying in tongues regularly by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit by passes Satan and his cohorts. It is a divine strategy that delivers great results.
Prayer of Authority: “And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.” (Matthew 16:19, NLT). The church, “ekklesia” are the called-out believers that God has entrusted with the role of birthing His Kingdom here on earth. The colonial masters of old, like the Great Britain, infiltrated their colonies with their culture, thought patterns, conduct, etc. The Great Britain had agents in the colonies who enforced the will of the Queen. For God’s plan, purposes and will to be enforced on earth, His authorized agents (the Ekklesia) are to employ this prayer strategy praying with Christ’s delegated authority.
Organized Prayer: In Matthew 6 Jesus taught His disciples the model prayer. Because we fight a foe who is organized in his operation (Ephesians 6:12) we are enjoined to approach prayer in a certain way. We are to put on the armor of salvation, truth, righteousness, the Word of God, faith, the gospel and praying in the Spirit. We are also to be specific in our requests and to make sure requests are in line with God’s will. Having a prayer journal and being conversant with the different kinds of prayers are also part of being organized and strategic in prayers. Unfortunately, nowadays, many believers are very scattered and disorganized in prayers which is why some prayers go unanswered.
Prayer of Enquiry: The Bible tells us the Holy Spirit will reveal God’s deep secrets to believers (1 Corinthians 2:10). The Holy Spirit is a Divine Strategist who knows all things and can guide us into all truths. It is God’s will that we cultivate a dynamic relationship with the Holy Spirit by engaging Him regularly via the prayer of enquiry. The prayer of enquiry requires obedience and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. Once a thing is revealed by the Holy Spirit, faith is automatically birthed in our spirit. The Holy Spirit knows the turns and twists of the journey, and He makes our lives a wonder as we are led by Him.
CONCLUSION: May God’s kingdom be fully established in our lives, families, communities, cities and countries in Jesus’ name. Receive the grace to pray strategically from henceforth in Jesus’ name.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Comments (2)
Evangelina Lopez
Thank you for this information that is helpful and I need to have a strategic prayer plan for my life and family.
It’s something I never thought of, I did hear about having a strategic prayer plan to discern the will of God.
God Bless You
Amazing article on Prayer!!! To God be glory!!! Yes! Lord, may I and all those I’m contending for have God’s kingdom be fully established in our lives, in Jesus name. Amen!