Walking In Divine Purpose
“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations” – (Jeremiah 1:5, NLT)
Purpose is simply defined as the reason for something. Divine purpose is the mind of God towards someone or something; it is God’s intention about someone. God is a God of purpose and intention. The scriptures are replete with theme of purpose and God’s intentionality. For example, a prophetess named Anna was intentioned by God to intercede towards the coming of the Messiah, and she was graced to pray and fast in the temple towards this end (Luke 2:36-38). Asaph, one of the three worship leaders of King David, was enabled by God to write poetry and raise His praise and worship in Israel (1 Chronicles 6:31-32, 39); Joseph of Arimathea was to use his high profile position and wealth to go before Pontius Pilate and claim the body of Jesus which he buried in his own grave, and thus fulfill prophecy (Matthew 27:57-60); Lois and Eunice, the grandmother and mother of Timothy, were enabled to raise a young, godly man who was to pastor the church in Ephesus, an intimidating city (2 Timothy 1:5); John the Baptist was to herald and bear witness and proclaim the divinity of Jesus ahead of His arrival (John 1:19-28). Below are the three imperatives for fulfilling divine purpose:
Discover: To be successful in the scheme of heaven’s reckoning, one must discover his or her purpose and go ahead and fulfill it. Jesus gave a parable likening the Kingdom of heaven to a beautiful gemstone of great price. And a merchant, on finding this beautiful gemstone, went and sold all his possessions in order to purchase the land in which the valuable gemstone was found (Matthew 13:44-46). Discovering purpose or divine assignment is a very critical issue. The seed of destiny and greatness is already resident in us awaiting our discovery. Our prayers should be: “Lord, reveal in clear terms your purpose and will for my life.” This is the foundation of Christian success and fulfillment. May you find your purpose in Jesus’ name.
Develop: It is true that nothing in its crude form attracts real value. Mineral resources in their raw and unrefined form found in Africa haven’t made the continent a prosperous one. Ironically, continents which are less endowed with the richness of the earth are far more prosperous. The gift or calling that makes a way and ushers one into the presence of the great is one that has been developed and well worked on. The religious leaders who plotted the killing of Jesus were amazed at the boldness and development of Peter and John when they heard them speak (Acts 4:13). A genuine encounter with the person of Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the Word of God will always engender a life-transforming experience that will facilitate growth in all facets of life.
Deploy: To deploy means to utilize for a particular purpose. Many use their gifts and callings to serve and aggrandize self; some others use it to serve Satan. Apostle Paul said people preach the gospel for various reasons (Philippians 1:15-18). For the child of God, pursuit of the will of God must be paramount. Eternity must be kept in perspective since we are going to give account of heaven’s resources bequeathed to us (Luke 19:11-27). Jesus also described true greatness as service to God and mankind. How are you deploying heaven’s resources? Are you promoting the purposes of God? Are you impacting mankind appropriately according to divine purpose?
CONCLUSION: Success in heaven’s reckoning is accomplishing divine purpose. To discover your purpose is your responsibility. To develop your gifting, which is an indicator of your purpose, requires cooperation between the Holy Spirit and you. We deploy our assignment on this earth with a great sense of purpose and reliance on the Holy Spirit.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Comments (6)
Oluwaseun Ayo
Great message, our been here on earth is for a purpose that must be fulfil.
Pastor lenny
Very powerful. I’m blessed
Christina Simmons
Great msg for the believer pursuing their Divine Purpose.
Thank you Christina for your comment. God bless you richly.
Julius Mphego
Powerful indeed. We are all here on earth for a purpose
Pastor Idowu destiny
Powerful message from the throne of grace, and a message to be passed to others for life transforming. God bless you sir