The Breakthrough Mindset

“A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart” (Matthew 12:35, NLT).

The above scripture likens our hearts (or minds) to a treasury. A treasury is a storage for treasures. Human activities, endeavors and accomplishments are all produced from the human mind. It is from the mind that we do life. People’s life progress or stagnates based on the thought pattern of their minds. Some thinking patterns allow for stagnation, while others boost achievements and breakthroughs. The human mind is a garden that can be cultivated or left fallow. Below are some mindsets and thinking patterns that promotes breakthrough:

The Open Mindset: This is a thinking pattern that allows for flexibility and does not view the world from its own perspective alone. It is open to ideas from other climes. Apostle Paul was such an apostle. He was sent to the whole Gentile world. The contrast is Apostle Peter who struggled with God after seeing a vision three times of diverse animals that the Jews are not allowed to eat under the law of Moses. God asked him in the vision to kill and eat the animals and he vehemently refused because the Jews are not supposed to eat these kinds of animals. Theologians told us Apostle Paul was more fitted for the ministry to the Gentiles because he had an open mindset being a lawyer with dual citizenship. An open mindset as opposed to a closed mind is a sine qua non for breakthrough.

The Renewed Mindset: The Israelites mindset remained set on Egyptian ways even though they were delivered physically from there. They did not allow God and the many breakthrough experiences they had being delivered from Egypt to renew their minds. They were stuck and fixated on Egypt, and they could not enter the Promised Land as a result.  Only Joshua and Caleb who had a different mindset and inner disposition were allowed access into the Promised Land. We cannot think like slaves and reign as princes on earth. We should allow the scriptures and our experiences of God shape our minds to see possibilities in God.  Scripture reference: Numbers 14:20-24

The Sanctified Mindset: This is a spiritual mindset as opposed to a carnal one. This is a mindset surrendered to God and His laws. It is a mindset that is determined to obey God regardless of the odds. It is a mind that is being controlled by the Holy Spirit. The Bible says some minds are set on gratifying the flesh while others are set on gratifying and pleasing the Spirit. The mind that is set on gratifying the Spirit will experience divine interventions and breakthroughs regularly.

The Mindful Mindset: This is an appreciative and grateful mind that is always mindful of God’s deeds. King David had several breakthroughs because he was mindful and always quick to recollect how God brought him from being a shepherd boy to becoming a king. Because of his mindfulness and grateful mindset God gave him a lasting and forever dynasty. (2 Samuel 7:18-24). The Israelites on the other hand were not mindful and forgot how God delivered them from Egypt. They became rebellious in their hearts and wanted to return to Egypt. A grateful heart softens and humbles the heart towards God. It is a fascinating mindset to God that attracts His favor.

The Growth Mindset: This is a mindset that grows and stretches. Abraham grew from an idol worshipper to becoming a friend of God (James 2:23). He grew from a childless person to becoming the father of nations. All the major religions of the world today revere him and consider him as their patriarch and father. Gideon grew from a fearful man hiding from the Midianites to a mighty man of valor who defeated the Midianites. Those who grow inwardly overcome the barriers and limitations within them and in time they overcome externally.

CONCLUSION: The journey of stagnancy to breakthrough is an inward journey. The journey of mediocrity to living a life of excellence is also an inward journey.

Ade(Gboyega) ESAN

Pastor Esan’s Blog

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