The Blessing Of Giving
“…And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, it is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35b).
Giving is an act of presenting voluntarily without expecting compensations. It is guided by a motive rooted in simple thankfulness for the grace God has bestowed on the giver which surely comes with some blessings. Below are some benefits of giving:
Giving delights God: God is always very pleased when praises and thanksgivings are ascribed to him by the less privileged when they received gifts from generous givers (2 Corinthians 9:11-12). God is glorified in our giving. Generous givers reflect the nature and character of God, and this is partly why God loves cheerful givers (2 Corinthians 9:7). Giving also delights Him because it blesses His mankind, solving human problems such as hunger, homelessness, nakedness, diseases, etc. “And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God” (Hebrews 13:16, NLT). Giving to His work also advances His Kingdom.
Giving destroys the power of greed: The human nature is inherently selfish and greedy. Generous and regular giving could be painful to the flesh and break the selfish streak of the human nature. It makes us die to the flesh, and makes us more God-like. Giving in God’s economy is counted as good works that delivers divine promises in this world and the world to come (2 Corinthians 9:9, 1 Timothy 6:17-19).
Giving trusts in God’s provision: Many people don’t give often because of the fear that they will run out of resources and supply. But great givers trust in divine provision. They believe in what is written in Luke 6:38 – “Give and it shall be given to you.” It takes faith and courage in God to believe the divine principle that he who scatters shall yet increase and the generous man shall be prosperous and enriched (Proverbs 11:24-25). This divine principle does not make sense to the natural and rational mind. Faith in God expressed for divine provision pleases Him.
Giving brings satisfaction and health: The Bible, talking about the generous man, says those who refresh others will in turn be refreshed (Proverbs 11:25). There is great fulfillment in being a blessing to others and helping to relieve their challenges. Covetousness and greed on the other hand can bring a curse (Proverbs 11:24b, 26). John D. Rockefeller, at 53 years old, was the world’s richest man. At this age, he developed a strange and unyielding sickness. His doctors even announced that he could only live up to a year based on their prognosis of his ailment. The gloomy assessment of his condition changed him so much that he began to give tons of his money to churches, schools, hospitals, etc. Later on, he miraculously became healed of that terrible ailment and lived for another 40 plus years, eventually dying at 97 years old. When we touch God’s mankind with our generosity, we also touch heaven.
Giving provokes divine intervention: Giving is a gracious act that qualifies the giver for divine intervention. A real story was told of Dorcas in Acts 9:36-43 who was a generous giver. She was also fond of making and giving clothes to widows. This woman suddenly died. However, because of her renowned good deeds, her church in Joppa refused to accept the verdict. They sent for Apostle Peter who was in a neighboring city to come and pray for her. And the apostle eventually raised her from death. Many other examples abound in the Bible of divine intervention provoked by giving (Malachi 3:10-12).
CONCLUSION: God does not judge us based on what we give but on what we could have given (Mark 12:41-44). Receive grace to be generous and to have faith for divine provision. The blessing of giving is ours in Jesus’ name. Have a blessed month in Jesus’ name.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Activating Supernatural Joy
“For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost” (Romans 14:17, NKJV)
Supernatural joy is a deep-seated, positive, pleasurable emotion in the soul that is produced by the Holy Spirit. The atmosphere in heaven is joyful; having supernatural joy is having a foretaste of heaven on earth. On the other hand, the atmosphere in hell is sorrowful, and being sorrowful makes people attractive to Satan and his cohorts. Below are further insights about supernatural joy:
Supernatural joy is produced by the Holy Spirit: Irrespective of one’s circumstances, one can have joy. The book of Philippians, which speaks so much about supernatural joy, was written while Apostle Paul, its author, was in jail in Rome. The same Apostle praised God with Silas in a Philippian jail after been severely beaten and mortally wounded and bound up in chains (Acts 16:20-30). This joy is produced by the Holy Spirit and whenever the Spirit is in demonstration there will be great joy (Acts 8:5-8). Non-Christians cannot have this joy since they don’t have the Holy Spirit resident in them. They have happiness which is temporary and dependent on good occurrences in their lives.
Supernatural joy is access to our divine inheritances: Salvation in Christ is a total package with inherent blessings such as healing, deliverance from satanic influences and oppression, divine favor, divine guidance, peace, answered prayers, etc. And a key to access these benefits is supernatural joy. The Bible says with joy we draw waters out of the wells of salvation. The New Living Translation says that with joy we drink deeply from the fountain of salvation (Isaiah 12:3).
Supernatural joy torments the forces of darkness: A joyful Christian is like an inflated balloon; as you hit it, it bounces. The ability of the balloon to bounce comes from the air in it. The strength of Christians to frustrate and torment the devil is the supernatural joy resident in them (Nehemiah 8:10). The truth is that the enemy has no weapon to quench the joy the Holy Spirit produces in the believer. Every time we are joyful, the enemy is sorrowful; when we are sorrowful, he is happy and attracted to us. Supernatural joy torments and frustrates the host of hell and keeps them away from the believer. We should stop allowing the enemy and life’s circumstances to deflate our joy and strength.
Supernatural joy is commanded: The Apostle Paul, writing in a Roman jail and under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, commanded the church in Philippi (and also the church at large) to rejoice and rejoice again (Philippians 4:4). It was a command, and not a suggestion. Failure to comply with an instruction in Scripture is sin. Furthermore, we are also commanded to rejoice in hope and anticipation of what God will do in the future for us (Romans 12:12). We rejoice because Christ’s work, on our behalf, makes us victorious, overcomers and possessor of all things.
Supernatural joy brings harvest: The prophet Habakkuk said that though his crops might fail and the desired harvest or anticipated good outcomes might be elusive, he will still rejoice in the Lord (Habakkuk 3:17-18). This prophet knew something many Christians nowadays don’t know, that is joy always precedes the harvest, and not joy coming after the harvest. The divine order is that the harvest always comes after rejoicing (Psalm 37:4). The natural order is that rejoicing comes after harvest and good outcomes. Begin to engage the divine order of rejoicing in faith now, and watch as things take a turn for the better in your life and circumstances.
CONCLUSION: To activate and possess supernatural joy, one must be born again and be filled with the Holy Spirit, who produces the fruit of such joy in the believer. The Psalmist said I rejoice in your word like one who discovers a great treasure (Psalm 119:162, NLT). Have a joy-filled month in Jesus’ name.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN
Looking Unto Jesus
“They looked to Him and were radiant, and their faces were not ashamed. This poor man cried out and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles” (Psalm 34:5-6).
Hebrews 12:2 tells us to fix our eyes on Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith. The JB Phillips version of the Bible calls Jesus as the source and goal of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). We are to build upon this Rock called Jesus because He is the only anchor that holds in the storm. All other anchors, no matter how strong and secure they may look, will not hold during intense storms of life. As we focus on the written word of God, the Living Word (i.e. Jesus) will manifest in our lives.
Are you hopeless and dejected as a result of someone/somethings you lost? In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, which has caused the destruction of about one hundred thousand homes and loss of life in an unprecedented flood in South Eastern Texas, many lives and hopes have been shattered. But it doesn’t matter how thick the darkness or how long the night may be, the sun will shine again and the dawn will also break. Jesus called Himself the Bright and Morning Star (Revelation 22:16). As we look to Him, the hopelessness of this season will soon give way to a new dawn and new beginning, and the Bright and Morning Star will shine on us again.
Are you discouraged, depressed and disillusioned? Discouragement is common to all. Literally, all the great men and women mentioned in the Bible were discouraged or depressed at some point in time. But what marked them out and made them obtain divine promises was their ability to shake off discouragement by fixing their gaze on God. David said, “Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God; I will praise Him again, My Savior and My God” (Psalm 43:5, NLT). This advice from David is priceless and timeless!
Are you struggling with harmful habits and destructive sins? If you sincerely desire to be delivered, look to Jesus who came with a ministry of no condemnation and reconciliation (John 8:10-11; John 3:17). Do not give in to the lies of the accuser that you are unworthy to approach God. The blood of Jesus is the basis of your merit to approaching God. Jesus came to heal the spiritually, physically, emotionally and financially infirmed. It is those who are sick who are in need of a physician. Keep going to Him regardless of you; He is the Great Physician, and as you cooperate with Him by taking the medication of His word, the bonds and chains of addiction will be destroyed.
Are you being rejected and despised? The world is a wicked place with so much injustices and unfairness. You may have been rejected and despised by those who are meant to love and cater for you. Leah, the wife of patriarch Jacob, was despised by her husband, but her sister Rachel was the favored wife. But God fights for those who have been despised and rejected by men. The Bible says, “When the Lord saw that Leah was unloved, He opened her womb but Rachel was barren” (Genesis 29:31). Jacob favored Rachel above Leah, but God favored Leah above Rachel. I will rather be despised by men and gain the favor of God than vice versa. Keep looking to Jesus and He will fight your cause and bring you justice.
Are you broke, suffering financial hardship and cannot make ends meet? David said the righteous cannot be forsaken. Many times the righteous are so absorbed and concerned about their needs that they forget the sufficiency of God. They fuss and worry like Gentiles who do not know God. The birds of the field, Jesus said, don’t care about where the next supply will come from; all they know is that the supply will somehow come. It’s time to up our faith in the sufficiency of God. It’s time to focus more on the all-sufficient God than on our needs.
CONCLUSION: As you look to Him this new month, you will radiate His glory and will not be ashamed in Jesus’ name.
Ade(Gboyega) ESAN